Why ConsciousPraxis?
Now more than ever, our world requires bold and grounded leadership, conceived and practiced in new ways. Our future demands that we are more authentically connected with one another, more deeply rooted in our most important values, and more aware of ourselves individually and as part of a much larger collective . In order to achieve these ideals, leaders must look deeply, carefully, and thoroughly, within themselves and throughout the situation and context they operate within.
ConsciousPraxis is a model, a process, and a service that supports leaders to create space
for their own and others' best energy, creativity, engagement, and commitment to emerge
and drive positive change for equity and inclusion.
ConsciousPraxis can help you create a livable, inclusive, and human-centered world for all to live and thrive.
ConsciousPraxis is a model, a process, and a service that supports leaders to create space
for their own and others' best energy, creativity, engagement, and commitment to emerge
and drive positive change for equity and inclusion.
ConsciousPraxis can help you create a livable, inclusive, and human-centered world for all to live and thrive.
ConsciousPraxis is a DBA of Sharon Radd Consulting, LLC